Cutting During Emergency Situations Requires That Save And Serve Professionals Have A Readily Accessible Knife And Are Able To Quickly And Safely Cut Around People In Hectic Surroundings. Performance, Ergonomics And Comfortable Use Are All Key Elements Needed In A Rescue Knife.
Spyderco’S Rescue Knives Are Long Favored By Seafarers And The Design Has Since Been Embraced By Rescue Workers, Emt’S And Ranchers-Anyone Cutting Around Flesh In An Emergency. Spyderco’S Rescue Sheepfoot Blade Is Flat Saber-Ground Vg-10. The Spyderco Trademark Round Hole Is Enlarged To 14Mm Resulting In An Enlarged Hump That Boosts Ergonomics, Strengthens The Blade And Lessens Fatigue During Long Term/Repetitive Cutting. Spine Texturing, A Deep Choil And Volcano Grip™ Keep The Knife From Slipping In The Hand.
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